Friday, May 18, 2012

How to Buy Your Next Smartphone on the Cheap

Today, it seems like everyone has a smartphone, and it's not hard to see why. Smartphones make it easy to stay in touch and offer a variety of special features that come in handy on the go, such as Internet capabilities, music, video, GPS, and more. Unfortunately, all of these features come with a hefty price tag, and if you're in the market for a new smartphone, you may be frustrated when looking at the prices. The good news is that it's rare you'll have to pay the manufacturer's suggested retail price for a smartphone. There are several different ways to get a discounted price on your next smartphone, or even get it for free.

Sign a New Contract With Your Cell Phone Provider

Most cell phone providers will offer a discount on their smartphones if you choose to sign a service contract with them. There's likely to be a minimum amount of time for the contract, usually one or two years, and most contracts come with hefty fees if you want to break them.  But if you're satisfied with your cellular provider, then signing a contract in order to get a discounted smartphone can be a good idea. Prices vary depending on the popularity and price of the phone, as well as how long the smartphone has been released. Some of the phones may actually be free after rebate.

Check Online Resellers

Websites such as Ebay, Amazon, Swappa, and Wirefly often have great deals on smartphones that you can take part in, even if you're currently under contract. Wirefly sells phones from providers such as Verizon Wireless, Sprint, and T-Mobile, and has great deals on phones, even those that are newly released. Amazon Wireless also has great deals on phones, but you must sign a six-month contract in order to get the best deal on many of them. Ebay has both new and used smartphones in a variety of price ranges, but often you have to bid to get the best deal. Swappa is similar to Ebay, but it's for Android smartphones only. The great thing about Swappa is they guarantee that your phone will work, and if it doesn't, they'll fix it for you. Swappa is also good for selling your old smartphone, or picking up a new smartphone when you're currently under contract.

Shop at Electronics Stores

If you want to hold your smartphone in your hands and test it out before buying it, purchasing it from an electronics store, such as Best Buy or Radio Shack, can be a good idea. They often have sales that rival anything that can be found online, and can be cheaper than going directly through your cell phone provider. To get the best deal, you'll probably have to sign a contract, but it can still save you money over going to your cell phone provider directly.

Buy a Smartphone Around the Holidays

Many cell phone providers, retail stores, and online stores offer their very best prices during Black Friday and through the holiday season leading up to Christmas. If you can wait until this time of year to purchase your smartphone, you may be rewarded with a price that's low or even free.

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